Prostate Scotland

Help us raise funds for Prostate Scotland, Scotland’s prostate disease charity, which is set up to raise awareness of prostate cancer and disease, and to provide information and support.

Did you know that prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting men in Scotland? Nearly 1 in 2 men in Scotland will be affected by prostate disease at some stage of their lives, and 1 in 10 are likely to develop prostate cancer.

That’s why “We’re On Our Way” is supporting Prostate Scotland’s work – it means more men will be aware of their prostate, know what to look out for, know how and where to seek help, and get an early diagnosis. The outcome? More men in Scotland living with prostate cancer and disease helped and supported and more men diagnosed early.

The funds raised will assist Prostate Scotland in its work and contribute to its vital support services, helping men navigate prostate cancer, including the Prostate FFIT football exercise programme:

Prostate FFIT (Football Fans in Training)

Prostate Scotland and the SPFL Trust joined forces in 2023 to offer men affected by prostate cancer the opportunity to take part in a 12-week football exercise programme, Prostate FFIT.

It’s a powerful programme that’s making a huge difference to the lives of men going through their treatment. It helps to improve their fitness, alleviate the side effects of treatment, provides nutritional insights for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and offers a sense of community and shared endeavour with other men on a similar journey.

Participants have so far taken part in the programme at Rugby Park, Tynecastle Park and Ibrox Stadium, and a new course is soon to start at McDiarmid Park. The programme is free of charge for the participants and costs Prostate Scotland £8K per programme.

We’re hoping that fundraising from the song will help make Prostate FFIT available at more football clubs that are close to each of the five prostate cancer treatment centres in Scotland.

Check out a recent STV news report on Prostate FFIT.

For any men with prostate cancer in Scotland, you can register your interest in Prostate FFIT and you’ll be kept updated on when a programme is available near you. If you’re in Perthshire, there are still places at McDiarmid Park starting on 12th June, find out more.

Prostate Scotland support services

Prostate Scotland’s comprehensive range of support services is helping men across Scotland navigate prostate cancer and disease. These services complement the care that men receive from medical experts.

What is available?

Prostate Scotland generates its own income through donations from fundraising and support from voluntary sources. It does not receive government or local authority assistance. Prostate Scotland’s charity registration number is SC037494.